Month: January 2022

One Deaf person choosing and raising a hearing dog

how can I help

How can I help if I don’t have the money to donate?

I know many People who want to help,  but their finances are too tight to donate. I completely understand. These friends still want to help. I’ve been asked multiple times… how can I still help? The answer is pretty easy. There are a few  ways that you can help still. Setup a chime account with…
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hearing dog puppy

What is a hearing dog?

An introduction to what a hearing dog is. This blog expands on the previous what is a service dog post. It explains just some of the things the dog will learn to alert me to.

What is a service Dog

Some of you may be asking, what is a hearing dog? What is a service animal? This is the first question I will answer. A hearing dog is a service dog for the deaf or hard of hearing. So… maybe we should start with what is a service animal. This is an animal that is…
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